My early voting experience My wife Jane and I voted absentee in the primary election earlier this year and are eligible to vote absentee in the general election, but decided to early vote…
Read My wife Jane and I voted absentee in the primary election earlier this year and are eligible to vote absentee in the general election, but decided to early vote…
Read MoreSandwiched As I shared last week, I had the chance to finally go into my mother’s assisted living apartment on Thursday, Oct. 1. I wasn’t prepared for what I saw…
Reporter Columnist How will President Donald J. Trump’s coronavirus diagnosis impact the race? Will the pandemic affect turnout? How effectively will election officials process the expected surge in mail-in ballots?…
By MARK HEIRBRANDT County Commissioner Opioid abuse in Indiana is on the rise. While I was researching the troubling effect of opioids on our communities in Indiana, I found these…
By DR. DEREK ARROWOOD Heights Superintendent I would like to underscore how happy I am with the progress made by our staff and students during the first nine weeks of…
Sandwiched It’s Wednesday as I write this, and I’m preparing to visit my mom in her apartment for the first time since early March. Her facility is allowing visits in…
By DR. DEREK ARROWOOD Hamilton Heights Superintendent Last week I shared a shout-out to our teachers, one part of our collective family at Heights. Today, I want to acknowledge the…
The County Line We have just over a month until the 2020 election, and we have yet to hear what any of our local candidates propose if elected. Come on… The Hamilton Southeastern (HSE) school district is the fourth-largest in the state in terms of student population. That means our school system receives a lot of attention statewide. HSE…
From the Heart Pride cometh before the fall. At this point in my life, I should have no pride left. I have a history of falling. Now don’t you all…