
Find your broom

OneZone President My team has asked me over the last few months why there is a broom in my office. Here is the story: My grandfather was my best friend…

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Just don’t give a hoot

Sandwiched Most of us in the sandwich generation are, shall we say, middle aged. Definitions of middle age (or middle adulthood) vary but most of the time it means a…

County continues to combat COVID

By MARK HEIRBRANDT County Commissioner In Hamilton County alone, COVID-19 caused an estimated $554 million and counting in lost wages. I was heartbroken over the stories of family restaurants struggling…

The good old days

From the Heart “Grandma, tell me ’bout the good old days.” I can just hear my grandkids saying those words, similar to the lyrics of a song by the mother/daughter…

Tools for dealing with hot flashes

Sandwiched If you’re in the sandwich generation like me, there’s a strong chance you’re a woman either approaching menopause or in the midst of it. As I’ve mentioned in this…