
It can be done, Indiana!

By SUZIE JAWOROWSKI Guest Columnist On my desk at home sits a faux leather plaque with the words “It Can Be Done.” It was given to me by my very…

For him, a little kudos can go a wrong way

By SCOTT SAALMAN Scaramouch I was walking in my neighborhood when a bicyclist shouted, “I liked your last two columns.” A rarity. An unsolicited compliment from an uncloseted reader for…

Hope and happiness

By AMY SHANKLAND Sandwiched It’s been three weeks since my mom’s funeral, and I’m surprised that most of my memories of the day are happy ones. This was completely unexpected,…

Hope & Recovery comes to Noblesville

By ROCKY SHANEHSAZ Guest Columnist Drug overdoses kill more than 100,000 Americans per year – more than vehicle crashes and gun deaths combined. Fentanyl, a legal prescription pain medication, is…

Fairgrounds makeover plans become public

By FRED SWIFT The County Line A proposed multi-million-dollar upgrade for the Hamilton County 4-H Fairgrounds was presented to county commissioners this week. Plans to improve the 40-acre fairgrounds have…

A pegleg can’t hold you down

By RAY ADLER Ask Adler Grandpa told me that he knew a certain man who had an indominable spirit and refused to acknowledge defeat. He was blind in one eye,…