Hamilton County volunteer service feeding hungry neighbors
By MARK HALL Feeding Team Feature It is not a surprise to anyone when we say that providing food to hungry neighbors is a challenging endeavor most days. Included on…
Read MoreBy MARK HALL Feeding Team Feature It is not a surprise to anyone when we say that providing food to hungry neighbors is a challenging endeavor most days. Included on…
Read MoreBy SCOTT SAALMAN Scaramouch LONDON – I was zonked in the basement of the Natural History Museum, snoozing to near extinction beneath the dinosaur bones displayed on the floor just…
By VICTORIA SPARTZ Representing You President Biden’s approval rating has now fallen to 31 percent, but Congress refuses to reflect about our own institution. The approval rating for the U.S….
By AMY SHANKLAND Perfectly Imperfect Thanks to Laura with St. Joseph County, I learned that both of my biological parents were 20 years old and in good physical health when…
By FRED SWIFT The County Line A final step toward construction of the new Pleasant Street bridge over White River will be taken Monday. County Commissioners in regular session will…
By SHARON McMAHON Be Well “You are never too old to set another goal or to dream a new dream.” – C.S. Lewis Well, we are just past that mid-point…
By RAY ADLER Ask Adler When I was in high school, we had Sunday dinner every Sunday at Grandma’s house. She was a wonderful cook. She always had two kinds…
By KEN KLINGENMEIER A Seat on the Aisle It’s summer, and that typically means a rollicking musical provided by Beef & Boards Dinner Theatre. The Stark family’s issue this year…
By KELLIE KELLY Guest Columnist Have our kids started to catch up and recover from COVID learning loss? Are our schools working hard to help our students regain, recover, and…
By MEGAN RATHZ When Nature Speaks Has there ever been someone that you have never met, but they are spoken of so often you feel you know them? My mom’s…