
Missing Mom

By AMY SHANKLAND Sandwiched I’ve really been missing my mother lately. Please don’t panic – Mom’s still with us and she lives near me in an assisted living facility. What…

One sure way to achieve your goals

By RAY ADLER Ask Adler It’s common in the new year to set resolutions or goals for what you want to accomplish this year. As the well-known, yet profound, quote…

Don’t give up on path to wellness

By SHARON McMAHON Be Well “Without proper self-evaluation, failure is inevitable.” – John Wooden If you have intended to make resolutions for 2022, you have probably already done so. However,…

I quit smoking – you can too!

Make a New Year’s resolution to stop smoking By KIM KERCHEVAL Guest Columnist If your New Year’s resolution is to quit smoking, I want to let you know that you…