
Don’t rush your reunion

As my adoption and reunion story continues, I’ve changed some names, places, and dates. Around Thanksgiving in 2015, my birth mother Linda and I once again were in the middle…

How does a person of faith handle divorce?

The Pope recently issued a paper on changes in the Catholic Church concerning divorce. Our office frequently has requests for a “church divorce” or encounters a client who has questions…

Word for 2023: strength

For 2023, I have chosen STRENGTH as my word for the year. As I pondered over what word I would choose to focus on in 2023, I kept coming back…

Simply having a wonderful WHAMAGEDDON time

I started the current Christmas season trying to avoid “Last Christmas” by Wham!. You see, my brother-in-law, Tim, texted an invitation to participate in WHAMAGEDDON, a game making the rounds…