
The gift of … shhh

By JANET HART LEONARD From the Hart There’s just something about silence. Shhh … As I was growing up, I watched my mother sit on her front porch and rock…

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A difficult conversation

By AMY SHANKLAND Perfectly Imperfect Thank you for the wonderful comments from last week. My adoption and reunion story will be slowly revealed every Friday, just like a television program…

Janet speaks, people listen

Reporter columnist Janet Hart Leonard launched the release of her first book, “When the Hart Speaks,” at Ginger’s Café, 1111 S. 10th St., Noblesville, on Sunday afternoon. Subtitled “Whimsy and…

A mom’s voice

By JANET HART LEONARD From the Hart When my children were little, I was that mom, the one showing up, a hands-on and ever-so-present parent. I was there to hug…

Is our summer safe?

By TYLER HOGAN Sheridan High School Student The Sheridan Student Column is brought to readers by Sheridan High School’s 10th grade English class, taught by Abby Williams. May has come…