
Learning about my birth father

By AMY SHANKLAND Perfectly Imperfect As my adoption and reunion story continues, I’ve changed some names, places, and dates. I learned that my birth father, Jack, had been the chairman…

Tractor driving

By RAY ADLER Ask Adler Life has changed. I have lived in two cultures: rural and urban. I have lived in Indianapolis, but I grew up in very rural Indiana….

Reviewing ‘Things My Mother Taught Me’

Talented cast shines despite otherwise lackluster script By KEN KLINGENMEIER A Seat on the Aisle Epilogue Players opened their 2022-23 season with Things My Mother Taught Me, a comedy written…

Planting promises

By MEGAN RATHZ When Nature Speaks The hustle and bustle of the fall is upon us all. The dog days of summer have come to pass; its leisurely days are…

The words we speak

By JANET HART LEONARD From the Hart The words we speak become the house we live in. – Hafiz Those words, written by Persian poet Hafiz, have made their way…