

Elementary school recess. It should be a great time in a child’s life. Something to look forward to. It helps to break up the long school day. I remember my…

The dress

Grandma told me stories, but mother wrote hers down. Here’s another one. Without a doubt, mothers are needed at home when there are young ones. Best things are not always…

I’m so over it!

“Janet Kay, don’t let the words or actions of others take away your kindness.” Mom’s voice isn’t around, yet I still hear her wisdom. I’ve thought a lot about what…

She’s determined to find her cat

Kris Stise, 32, is looking for her calico, Octavia. Heartbroken, she has been searching for her cat in the Fishers neighborhood, Brooks Chase, for three weeks, caught in that heart-wrenching…

Losing my birth mother

Many readers may recall my series on the story of my adoption and reunion with my birthparents. I have a painful addition to that story to share today. At the…