In an effort to protect Carmel’s first responders and the public they interact with, Mayor Jim Brainard issued a proactive response requiring all police and firefighters to be tested for COVID-19. Unknowingly to Brainard at the time, the testing would eventually sideline the city’s top cop.

“I was tested on April 7 and the positive result returned on April 9. I had no idea that I had contracted the virus,” said Carmel Police Chief Jim Barlow.
“I had no symptoms. I never expected I could feel as good as I do and test positive.”
Barlow is not the only Carmel officer to test positive.
On Thursday, Barlow said, “As of today, we’ve had a total of five officers test positive, including myself.” According to Barlow, four of those officers were members of his administrative staff.
“Of those five, two had no symptoms and three had only mild symptoms.”
Barlow said he’s in quarantine working from home and he stays in contact with his department and city leaders by video conferencing.
After contracting the virus, Barlow wants to send a strong message to the public. “Even if you feel healthy, social distancing is very important. Also, please wear a mask. Because I was asymptomatic, had I not been tested, I’m sure I would have infected other people.”
Currently all Carmel first responders are being tested once per week. According to Barlow, officers testing positive must have two negative tests before being allowed to return to work.