Carmel Mayor Jim Brainard, working with Carmel-based Apex Medical, Zak Khan and Aria Diagnostics, has arranged for the donation of 50,000 CDC-approved COVID-19 test kits to be shipped to New York. It will take about two weeks to get the kits made and ready to send east. Apex Medical is a new company established just this week with a mission to meet the national shortage of federally-approved test kits.
New York has become one of the hardest-hit epicenters of the global pandemic and Carmel city officials say they are proud to be able to lend a hand, thanks to the work being done by local high-tech medical firms who have answered the call to help.
“We must be able to look back on this moment in time and know that we did all we could to help fight the battle against this historic and deadly virus,” said Brainard. “Countries that have tested widely have seen more success with leveling the curve and reducing number of people catching the virus because they are able to quarantine those who test positive. They are able to determine if the virus exists in someone even though they may not be symptomatic before testing.”
Vipin Adhlakha, who co-founded Apex Medical, said the new firm is able to produce about 12,000 kits per day, running two shifts. The firm has enough materials on hand to make 250,000 to 500,000 kits. Several orders for kits have already been received from labs located in North Carolina, Ohio, Kentucky and Maryland.
The donation planned for New York will not impact local testing efforts. Adhlakha said he plans to send 50,000 kits to New York City and keep a supply of 50,000 for local testing.
“I have been assured by our labs and health care facilities locally that making this donation will not jeopardize the health and safety of our frontline workers or our community,” said Brainard. “There are enough kits to test all who want to be tested here and now we can offer our assistance to those who cannot produce enough kits to keep up with demand. I have reached out to my colleagues in New York to begin coordinating this effort. The reduction in outbreaks that widespread testing can provide will help give our healthcare and scientific fields time to better prepare. We are very determined to do all we can to help.”
It is so offensive that we produce tests in the state and send them out of the state while our own state IN is in the last three states in terms of tasting per 100k people. Indiana MUST start testing for mild moderate cases now as others (even in midwest) did!!! Use the tests in your own community!!!! 1600 tests administered only in Hamilton county is a disgrace.