Carmel voter: Paxson works tirelessly to fight crime

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Dear Editor:

Oftentimes, the significance of a county prosecutor is overlooked, but their role is pivotal in keeping our communities safe and making sure the law is justly enforced.

In Hamilton County, the Prosecutor is not only the top law enforcement officer – filing and pursuing criminal charges – she is also the voice for victims of crime in our community. A prosecutor pursues charges on behalf of the State – but a great prosecutor, one who cares deeply for the people of this county – does so while always keeping the interests of crime victims front of mind. A truly great prosecutor gives voice to the voiceless – everyone from an assault victim to a child not receiving support payments – the Prosecutor uses the force of law to speak for those who cannot.

Jessica Paxson exemplifies those qualities required to be a truly great prosecutor. As a deputy prosecutor, she has dedicated her career to the people of Hamilton County, working tirelessly to fight crime and speak up for victims. Jessica cares deeply about the people of this county because for her, it’s personal; this is where she grew up – this county is her home.

As a long-time resident of Hamilton County, I am voting for Jessica Paxson for Prosecutor because she cares about my family, friends and neighbors, and I know she will remain committed to keeping us safe and serving us all, as only a truly great prosecutor can.

Rachel Boyd