Carmel reader says hold Rep. Spartz accountable for her voting record

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Dear Editor:

As informed voters, I believe it is our responsibility to listen to our elected officials as well as keep them accountable for what they say and do.

Victoria Spartz, the Representative for Indiana’s 5th Congressional District, recently held town halls in Hamilton County. I attended one of the town halls and commend Ms. Spartz for spending her Saturday with voters. She spent a great deal of time emphasizing the need for bipartisanship in Congress and claimed that she is working to represent all voters in the 5th District.

However, her claims of being bipartisan are not supported by her voting record. Even when many other Republicans have voted in favor of bills, Ms. Spartz has voted “No” on bills that would benefit the voters of the 5th District. A few key “No” votes include:

  • Voting against the American Rescue Plan, which provided more than $65 million to Hamilton County and over $12 million dollars to keep Hamilton County schools safe during the pandemic. Congresswoman Spartz and the rest of the Indiana Republican Party voted against it despite polls showing more than 47 percent of Republicans supporting the Rescue Plan.
  • Voting against reauthorizing the Violence Against Women Act
  • Voting against two bills on gun safety background checks
  • Voting against workplace violence prevention for healthcare and social workers
  • Voting against the Equality Act
  • Voting against a pathway for Dreamers

Representative Spartz has already announced her intention to run for re-election. When she was back in her district, she placed great emphasis on being bipartisan. Informed, responsible voters need to make her accountable for her actions … because they speak much louder than words.

Susan K. Ring
