Carmel reader calls on President Trump to stand up for persecuted Nigerian Christians

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Dear Editor:

It probably comes as no surprise that Christians face oppression and persecution in many places around the world. North Korea, China and Iran have long been dangerous places for Christians to practice their faith. In the last decade or more, radical and extremist groups have also increased the level of violence against Christians.

What many do not know is that violence against Christians continues to escalate at an alarming rate in Africa’s largest nation, Nigeria. Nigeria was recently delegated 12th on Open Doors World Watch List of most dangerous countries to be a Christian.

This violence has come largely at the hands of Fulani militants and Boko Haram terrorists. Just in the last few months, more than 300 Christians were murdered in Nigeria, an additional 200 were abducted, and approximately 3,700 Nigerians were displaced.

Every day, Christians in Nigeria live in fear because of their faith in God. The Nigerian government has done little to nothing to protect these innocent people, nor have Nigeria’s strongest allies.

Americans must stand together in support for Nigerian Christians as they endure what many are describing as genocide. President Trump has benefitted greatly from the Christian vote in America and it is time for his administration to fulfill its promises to this community. President Trump and his administration can help now by formally recognizing the crisis in Nigeria, designating it a country of concern, and sending a special envoy to the nation.

Until our nation is able to stand alongside our Nigerian brothers and sisters in Christ with actions – not just words – thousands of innocent people will continue to be slaughtered for their religious beliefs.

Sue Lile
