Carmel reader asks lawmakers to oppose tax cuts for tobacco

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Dear Editor:

More than 11,000 Hoosiers die every year because of tobacco use. That is a staggering number and one that should demand action from policymakers, especially knowing that most people who smoke started when they were kids.

Unfortunately, instead of acting to protect kids and protect health, state lawmakers are contemplating a policy that would do the exact opposite – cut taxes on tobacco products.

Provisions inserted into a bill in the State Senate last month would cut taxes for e-cigarettes, cigars, and other forms of tobacco, making these products cheaper and more easily accessible to kids.

This proposal goes against the best advice of health experts who have long recommended Indiana increase its already low tax rate on tobacco products.

Risking the health of our state, especially our kids, to give away tax breaks to tobacco companies is senseless. Reverse the course and defeat this deadly tobacco tax cut.

I retired from over 20 years of tobacco control work in Indiana. My question many years ago is the same today: Why is it so difficult for Indiana lawmakers to do what is scientifically correct and within their power to protect kids from the tobacco industry?

I urge everyone to reach out to your lawmakers and ask this question. Then ask the lawmaker to oppose the tax cuts for tobacco products that are included in SB 382.

Anita Wood Gaillard
