Carmel native named Janus Staff Member of the Year

Photo provided by Janus


As a team leader of the Doorways program at Janus Development Services, Abbie McIntyre gets to help Janus clients like Kelsey expand their unique abilities and explore new interests.  Abbie motivated Kelsey to attempt new activities and share her gifts and talents.

Abbie is passionate about the Doorways program and her positivity shines through as she speaks of the special people she serves.

“I love my job!” said Abbie. “I don’t feel like I am coming to work. The Janus clients are like a family, we laugh and have fun everyday.”

According to those at Janus, Abbie has a natural gift for inspiring people to be the best they can be.

While leading the Janus Choir, Abbie instinctively provided just the right type of help and support that Kelsey needed in order to discover her “voice.” When she first showed interest in the choir, it was very difficult for Kelsey to sing in front of others. Abbie was gradually able to bring Kelsey “out of her shell” by encouraging her to try singing karaoke. With Abbie’s help and support over time, Kelsey became more comfortable with sharing her talents and began to perform confidently with the choir.  Kelsey was even able to perform solos at various Janus functions including an event attended by over 500 people. The self-confidence that Kelsey displays when she sings is now evident in everything she does.

Abbie was also the guiding force behind another special music program recently started at Janus.

A while ago, a piano was donated to Janus. Abbie knew how important music was to everyone at Janus. She decided to contact Dave Lowe, a talented performer from Indianapolis, to see if he might consider coming to Janus and performing for all the Janus clients. Dave was a little hesitant as he was not sure what he should expect. Dave’s first performance at Janus was so memorable and such a huge success that he now donates his time and returns on a regular basis to play his amazing music to the delight of his audience, who sing right along with him.

Abbie’s interest in making a difference in the lives of people with disabilities began during her high school years in Carmel when she became a peer facilitator for the students in the special education program. That interest led to pursuing a major in special education.

In 2017, Abbie joined the Janus family as a program instructor.  She says that working at Janus is special: “We have a great staff here and everyone is open to new ideas. The program is growing and expanding.”

So, when it came to the selection of the 2019 Staff Member of the Year, it is easy to see why Abbie’s peers chose her.

“I was so honored to get this award!” said Abbie. “I can feel the support from everyone, from the clients and all the staff.”

Everyone at Janus congratulates Abbie for receiving this recognition of her heartfelt dedication to the Janus clients and for positively impacting so many lives.