Carmel Clay Parks & Recreation to hold Hounds & Honeysuckle volunteer event

You can support dogs and the environment at Carmel Clay Parks & Recreation’s (CCPR) Hounds & Honeysuckle volunteer event set for 4 to 6 p.m. on Thursday, March 23 at Central Dog Park, 1425 E. 116th St. Click here to register.

The woods adjacent to Central Dog Park are filled with honeysuckle. Honeysuckle is an invasive species, meaning it harms the ecosystem by preventing native plants from growing. Honeysuckle is known to prevent wildflowers and young trees from receiving sunlight on the forest floor, as well as depriving other native plants of much-needed water and nutrients.

At the Hounds & Honeysuckle event, volunteers will remove invasive honeysuckle. Volunteers can also win prizes. All participants will be entered to win a prize pack from local pet vendors. Bring an item to donate to the Humane Society for Hamilton County (HSHC) to get a second entry for the prize drawing. Click here to view the HSHC donation wish list. Monetary donations will not be accepted.

If you have any questions about the event, please contact Volunteer Coordinator Caitlin May at