Efforts to mitigate the spread of COVID-19, including the Governor’s stay-at-home order, have altered what everyone can and cannot do. Unfortunately, these necessary decisions to save lives, made by elected leaders and public health officials, have significantly impacted businesses and organizations throughout the state and country, including Carmel Clay Parks & Recreation (CCPR).
Since March 12, most of the programs and services provided by CCPR have been mandated by an executive order from the Governor to temporarily cease operations, including the Monon Community Center and Extended School Enrichment. Because of these closures, CCPR no longer has incoming revenue from user fees and memberships crucial to help cover operating expenses, including payroll.
Effective April 18, Carmel Clay Parks & Recreation has no other viable option but to furlough 471 employees. A total of 24 full-time positions and nearly all part-time positions are impacted by the decision. CCPR will continue to pay regular contributions toward health insurance for full-time staff impacted by the furlough to allow these crucial benefits to continue during this pandemic.

“The realities we face during these unprecedented times require us to make some very difficult decisions. Decisions I sincerely wish we did not have to make. It is our hope, and we remain optimistic, that the furlough is temporary and we can bring our people back as soon as possible,” said Parks Director Michael Klitzing. “While I cannot predict when things will get back to normal, or what the new normal will look like, I do know we will get through this. When we do, the programs and services Carmel Clay Parks & Recreation provides will be even more important for our community.”
CCPR will also provide resources such as access to an Employee Assistance Program, and guidance for staff to file for unemployment compensation.
CCPR’s goal is to bring every person back on the payroll as soon as financial conditions permit. When operations are able to resume, each and every employee will be critical in helping Carmel Clay Parks & Recreation once again be the best part of each member’s, participant’s or visitor’s day.
I’m still being charged the monthly membership fee on my credit card. I’ve called but no return call yet.