Carmel City Councilor Adam Aasen will host his first town hall meeting for the city’s Southeast District.

The event, which is free and open to the public, will be held at 6 p.m. on Wednesday, July 14 at the Brookshire Golf Clubhouse, 12120 Brookshire Pkwy., just off Gray Road and north of 116th Street.
Aasen will give an update on what’s going on in Carmel when it comes to council actions, new road construction, crime numbers, upcoming events and developments with the parks department. In addition to his remarks, he will have a detailed handout for community members in attendance.
“Town hall settings like these are a great way to connect with neighbors and answer any questions they might have about the city,” Aasen said. “Not only do I provide information but it’s just as important that I listen. I want to hear about any concerns and continuously learn more about which issues matter to the people of southeast Carmel. I’m always available via email, but it’s nice to connect with residents face-to-face.”
Carmel Mayor Jim Brainard, Carmel Police Chief Jim Barlow, and representatives from the Carmel Street Department will all be in attendance to give a presentation and answer questions.
Cookies and lemonade will be provided, and a snack bar is available at the Brookshire Golf Clubhouse.
The event will be recorded and video will be available at Any slides or handouts will also be posted there as well.
City Councilor Adam Aasen (R-SE District) represents southeast Carmel, which is east of Keystone Parkway and north of 96th Street. The district borders the north along Main Street from Keystone to Gray Road and along 126th Street from Gray to the eastern city limits.