The original Clay Center school opened in September 1912 and was situated at the corner of 116th Street and Clay Center Road, just south of where the new elementary school will open in August 2021. (Photo provided by Carmel Clay Historical Society)
The Carmel Clay Schools board voted unanimously on Monday to name the new elementary school between 116th Street and Clay Center Road, Clay Center Elementary School.
The recommendation to name the new elementary school on Clay Center Road was derived from historical information found in the book The Early History of Carmel Clay Schools, written by A.J. Wright of the Carmel Historical Society. Mr. Wright’s research found that on Sept. 25, 1912, Clay Township opened a new brick school, named Clay Center, on the northeast corner of 116th Street and Clay Center Road. The district’s new elementary school will be located north of where the original Clay Center school was built.


“After hearing Mr. Wright’s research on the original Clay Center School that opened in the early 1900s, I believe the administration and board both believed that Clay Center would be the perfect name for the new elementary school,” said Carmel Clay Schools Superintendent Dr. Michael Beresford. “It’s not often that a school district can re-establish a bit of Carmel history.”
“On behalf of the CCS Board, we are excited to have approved the name, Clay Center Elementary School,” said Board President Mike Kerschner. “We look forward to the next steps of the process and getting students involved with selecting a mascot and school colors.”
Clay Center Elementary School will open in August 2021.