Caring for one another: the beauty of humanity we need to keep shinning

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Dear Editor:

One of the most beautiful attributes of humanity is how we care about and for one another. As years go by and times change, this attribute might seem to fade or become dull – not because anyone has given up on trying, there just seems to be more obstacles in today’s world that make it harder to reach and hear those we care about and wish to help.

Over the years our life’s downer moments, mobile phones, and COVID have created pockets of isolation among us which makes it harder to reach those who are not connected. To overcome this, we must be more adept and knowledgeable in how to reach those in our communities who are isolated and connect them with the resources and services that will make a positive impact in their lives.

God gave us eyes to see and ears to hear the beauty in the world around us, in ourselves, and in others. We need to actively and subconsciously be seeking, open-eyed and listening to find those who might not ask for assistance or know where to find the help they need or have earned. So, listen for that happy or relieved song of finally being discovered, or for the weary sigh of those who are sad or depressed.

It is a beautiful and wonderful feeling to help others. Avail yourself to the resources and services in your community so if you come across someone who is struggling, encourage them to ask for help. Connect them to the resources and services they need, for their sake and for their loved ones. And … let them know they are the ones giving back by allowing others to experience the beauty of being able to help.

Have a blessed day,

Someone Who Cares

Bill Doss
Hamilton County Veterans Corporation