Brooks awards Congressional medal to three Carmel students

(From left) Highlands Latin School students Ava Concannon, Audrey Lach, Isabella Concannon and Congresswoman Susan W. Brooks. (Photo provided)

On Feb. 19, Congresswoman Susan W. Brooks presented three bronze Congressional medals to students Audrey Lach, Ava Concannon and Isabella Concannon of Highlands Latin School in Carmel.

In 1979, the United States Congress established the Congressional Award Foundation to recognize initiative, service and achievement in our country’s youth.

The Congressional Award program was designed to instill a wide range of life skills and attributes necessary to navigate and overcome obstacles on the path to success – both in the classroom and beyond. Once a young person has met these challenges and attained their goals, the hope is that they will continue to amaze and inspire by pursuing their passions, utilizing their talents, and demonstrating an unwavering commitment to making the world a better place.

Each participant sets goals in four program areas: Volunteer Public Service, Personal Development, Physical Fitness, and Expedition/Exploration.