Letters to the Editor do not reflect the opinions of The Reporter, its publisher or its staff. You can submit your own Letter to the Editor by email to News@ReadTheReporter.com. Please include your phone number and city of residence. The Reporter will publish one letter per person per week.
Dear Editor:
After several letters criticizing Carmel City Hall operatives, it’s high time I wrote you commending folks over there.
In the first few weeks of the newly elected administration and city council, sweeping changes have occurred.
While I would like to assume these were in response to my pleas for change, I can take no credit.
The new organization, the focus on taxpayer services, the moves to independent audits and even an honest-to-Pete purchasing agency are but a few of the new breezes rampaging through city hall.
Congratulations to the new mayor and council for taking first steps forward to an evidence-based and taxpayer-centric government.
Bill Shaffer
When I read the headline “Breaking News”, it put a grin on my face. Bill Shaffer has been educating us about the finances of Carmel for quite some time and I appreciate the explanation of how finances work for a city.