After consulting with medical experts and receiving assurances of compliance with the new guidelines from all golf courses in Carmel, Mayor Jim Brainard has announced that they will reopen. Click here to view the mayor’s new Executive Order 2020-05.

“Fresh air and recreation are even more important to us at this time of social distancing, but viewing social media posts where our social distancing restrictions were clearly being violated made it clear yesterday that action must be taken,” Brainard said. “I spent several hours discussing new guidelines and recommendations that would better ensure a healthier environment for play. I am pleased that we were able to find a way to allow golf courses to open with several adjustments. If we see further violations, we will revisit the closings again.”
Courses that are open have agreed to the following protocols:
- Golf Shop, Clubhouse and all restrooms must be closed
- Take out service only with no entry into clubhouse by members
- Walking only; no riding carts or push carts unless they are privately owned
- No rakes in bunkers
- Driving range closed
- On course restrooms closed
- No tee markers on golf course
- No water coolers
- No flagsticks
- Staff cannot assist with handling bags/clubs
- Holes must be filled so players don’t reach into hole for ball
Executive Order 2020-05
WHEREAS, the City of Carmel, Indiana is threatened by a public health emergency created by the spread of the COVID-19 virus, and
WHEREAS, there is currently no known vaccination for the COVID-19 virus and it poses a present and serious health risk to Carmel residents; and
WHEREAS, I, as Mayor of the City of Carmel, Indiana have issued Executive Order 2020-01, declaring a local disaster emergency for the City of Carmel and forbidding all “non-essential” travel within our City; and
WHEREAS, President Trump and Governor Holcomb have both urged all citizens to follow “social distancing” and other health protocols during this health crisis; and
WHEREAS, I have recently received reports showing me that golf courses were not sanitizing golf carts, flag poles, tee boxes, ball washers and other golf course equipment and amenities, and golfers were not observing proper social distancing and other protocols recommended by health authorities, all contrary to the President’s, Governor’s, and my directives, and therefore unnecessarily putting Carmel residents at risk of becoming infected with and spreading the COVID-19 virus; and
WHEREAS, after receiving these reports, I, on March 26, 2020, pursuant to I.C. 10-14- 3-29 and 36-8-2-4, issued an emergency verbal Executive Order closing all golf courses located within the City of Carmel, effective as of 4:00 P.M. that date, until proper protocols could be established to protect public health and safety; and
WHEREAS, subsequent to issuing my verbal Executive Order, and prior to reducing it to writing, I worked with golf course managers and medical professionals to create standard protocols that, if agreed to and strictly followed by golf courses, would serve to lift the closure directive contained in my Executive Order; and
WHEREAS, those standard protocols have now been established and will promptly be provided to the managers of all golf courses located within the City of Carmel and posted on the City’s website.
NOW, THEREFORE, under and pursuant to the powers invested in me by Indiana Code §§10-14-3-29 and 36- 8-2-4,1 hereby DECLARE and ORDER the following:
- All golf courses located within the City of Carmel, Indiana shall remain CLOSED until further notice.
- All golf courses located within the City of Carmel, Indiana that strictly abide by the standard protocols established by the City of Carmel for their operation shall be exempt from this closure order.
The written form of this Executive Order is executed on this 27th day of March, 2020, and shall remain in effect pursuant to Indiana law until further notice.