Articles by Tim Rathz

What the duck?

I have always loved the look of a Jeep. They are fun vehicles that I picture myself driving around in a beach town. I know Jeep drivers have an understanding…

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Oh, what a WONDERful world

If you’re a history buff, like me, you have probably seen documentaries about the Seven Wonders of the Ancient World. You can easily check YouTube, the History Channel, or a…

Stuff that annoys me, part 1

I have been blessed with a wonderful life. So, in return I try not to be overly cynical of the world around me. That being said, I also love to…

COVID cuts

March 2020. Just four short years ago. A time we’d all like to forget. It was the month that kicked off all the madness. Just not the type of March…

American Heart Month with Jake Query

For Valentine’s Day, the typical goal is to give someone your heart. Maybe it’s your spouse or sweetie, your kids, family or friends, dog, or even your pet rock. Whoever…

Merry ‘those people’ Christmas

In the Rathz house, we have two distinct Christmas season philosophies. 1) When it’s time, it’s time. We are going all out. Every hall is decked, every light is lit,…

What it’s like being on the move

Everyone who has moved from one house to another knows how magical the process is. My in-laws recently moved into their new home and everything about their experience reminded me…


In a world where people are lumped into a million different categories, I’m going to throw one out there for you. In my opinion, when it comes to traveling, there…