Articles by Stu Clampitt

Arcadia, the wait is over

Northbrook Brewing Company opens next weekend By STU CLAMPITT Andrew Johnson, Michael Ringwalt, and Jennifer Longenecker wanted to start a brewery in Arcadia, and while the path has been…

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Having a ball going back home

By STU CLAMPITT Robin Hollis and several lifelong friends all grew up on a cul-de-sac at 121st Street and Lantern Road in Fishers. Some of them went to the…

City beats county to buy Bolden’s

By STU CLAMPITT The sale of the Bolden’s Dry Cleaners building, 151 N. 8th St., Noblesville, became a point of contention between Hamilton County and Noblesville city officials. The…

Not my first rodeo, little buckaroo

Duke’s daring local linemen hope to head to international rodeo this fall By STU CLAMPITT Apprentice and journeyman line workers from Indiana, Ohio, and Kentucky will compete to earn…

Robin Hood asks you to give to those in need

Basile Westfield Playhouse partners with Open Doors for this youth production By STU CLAMPITT Main Street Productions (MSP) and Basile Westfield Playhouse, 220 N. Union St., Westfield, are not…

Wanted: Kneeslappin’ Mary Greenhorn

Cicero Kiwanis after hours went a little wild with western as their theme last Saturday night, even making everyone wear a cowboy name tag. Considering the event was held at…

Hill shakes up race for governor

Four Republicans now plan to face off for 2024 GOP nomination By STU CLAMPITT On Monday morning, former Indiana Attorney General Curtis Hill officially announced his run for governor….

Happy bread, burnout soup

I was visiting an old friend and his mother when I learned he has a love/hate relationship with stone soup, but no respect for little red hens. And that, dear…