Articles by Stu Clampitt

County jail overcrowding solved

Hamilton County held a ribbon cutting for its expansion of the county’s current jail Friday morning. The $13.5 million project added over 100 beds and allows for future expansions as…

Cleaning up junk ordinance confusion

Last week the new Hamilton County “Junk Ordinance” took effect. Officially designated Ordinance 04-22-19-A, it has been met with many questions and has garnered responses ranging from gratitude to frustration…

Mr. Muffin engineers economic growth

Stephen Nelson, aka Mr. Muffin, is the owner of Mr. Muffin’s Train in Atlanta, Ind. His model train business is a labor of love that has long since outgrown being…

Young Republicans give back by taking back

Carmel High School Republicans President Chris Elmore was the driving force behind this winter’s blankets for the homeless drive, which spread from Carmel to include donations from across Central Indiana….