Articles by Sharon McMahon

Bone density, fitness go hand-in-hand

Be Well “I knew very little about osteoporosis before I was diagnosed. When I found out I was shocked …” Ursula Andress, actress and former ‘Bond Girl’ While most of…

Bend with the big wind

Be Well “If a big wind comes, a tree must bend or be lifted up by its roots.”  – Cochise, Apache Chief I always enjoy contemplating the wisdom of the…

Looking back as part of planning ahead

Be Well “Without proper self-evaulation, failure is inevitable.” – John Wooden My last article quoted Charlie Brown vowing to his friend Lucy to make decisions in 2018 and part of…

Year of decision about your health

Be Well “You’re going to be proud of me, Lucy … I’ve decided that this next year is going to be my year of decision!” – Charlie Brown Webster defines…

Choosing happiness for the holidays

Be Well “I have decided to be happy because it is better for my health.” – Voltaire Many of us, and I include myself in the “us”, wait for circumstances…

Stay active, Baby Boomers

Be Well “I intend to live forever or die trying.” – Groucho Marx Baby Boomers – the term assigned to the temporary increase in the birth rate after World War…