Articles by Scott Saalman

Like father, unlike son

The final sawn limb popped from the poplar tree, untangled from the utility line and crashed down. Middle-aged, I applauded from a safe distance, like a giddy child. My old…

Of jackpots & jackasses

I find an old coffee cup in mom’s cabinet to pour coffee in, but then notice folded strips of paper inside. The pieces of paper have yellowed with time, torn…

Tales from the crib

Lately, I have been nostalgic for babies, thanks to my son, Austin, turning 30 last week. Thirty isn’t old (try telling that to my son) – but him turning 30…

A ‘Thor’ subject

My oldest offspring, Austin, turns 30 this month. There was a time he professed not to like his first name, which resulted because of my fondness for Jerry Jeff Walker…