Articles by Janet Hart Leonard

And then the phone rings

From the Heart They say that you make plans … and then life happens. And so it was that Chuck and I had planned to attend, on Friday night, the…

In sickness and with guilt

From the Heart And so it was on Thursday morning that I woke up, and as I attempted to rise and shine I realized I needed to pull the covers…

To be OK, or not to be OK

From the Heart When asked how I am doing I say, “I’m OK”. What if I am NOT OK? I will still give a convincing and positive and reassuring “OK!”…

The answer is: What is Jeopardy?

From the Heart Why is it that some weeks I sit down at my computer and the words just flow from my fingertips like it’s harvest time and the crop…

And so, she writes …

From the Heart Voice … to express thoughts with words. She had a voice. She prayed every morning before her feet found their way out from underneath the covers. “Please…

Now I lay me down to sleep?

From the Heart Oh, Brother Sleep, where art thou? Hello darkness my new friend, I’ve come to talk to you again. A few years ago, I realized what my older…

Better than my dreams

From the Heart As I close my eyes at night, I am often reminded that my reality is far better than any dream I could ever dream. I am living…

It’s been quite a week

From the Heart I am a woman of strength because of my faith. I am a strong woman because of my journey. The blend of both has made me the…

Oh Christmas tree, oh perfect tree

From the Heart “Honey, I’m home.” Chuck walked in the back door on Saturday night after keeping the scoreboard for another three games of state championship football. Candles were lit….