Articles by Amy Shinneman

Holiday hustle

This time of year, is a time of many different mixed emotions for many. Some enjoy the holidays, and for some it is a difficult season for many reasons. Whatever…

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Teach your parents well

I wonder if my children will ever grasp the truth that watching them run has healed my hurts from never being able to run? Or all that watching them run…

The shoe dilemma

The first 11 years of my life, I grew up on Harrison Street in Noblesville. I loved living in town. I have many fond memories of cruising the streets on…

Day in the life

If you are interested in learning how things work daily from a perspective of someone who is disabled, I think this may help you understand a little bit more. I…

One fateful day

It felt like an out-of-body experience when my neurologist breezed in a little over six years ago, and casually tossed the genetic test on the counter on that fateful day….

Damaging assumptions

If you have a disability or any other chronic medical diagnosis, the waiting rooms of doctor’s offices can start to feel like your second home. After 50 years, it is…

One year together

I met you one year ago, delivered by a kind stranger with my oldest son by my side. I reluctantly accepted your presence in my home. I felt sadness. Once…

Running Berlin, part 2

Last I left off, we had just settled in for a very mentally taxing 26.2 miles (or 42.195 kilometers there) running the streets of Berlin, with about 58,000 other runners….

Running Berlin, part 1

Be flexible. A phrase I would silently repeat hundreds of times as we headed overseas to Berlin, Germany. This is where my husband and I would run our first overseas…

Dear younger me

Many years ago, my mom gave me the book titled Don’t Sweat the Small Stuff (and It’s All Small Stuff) by Richard Carlson. I am sure many of you have…