Articles by Amy Shankland

This Word Nerd learns a lesson

I love words. Ever since I was little, I’ve enjoyed reading and writing them. Newspaper and magazine articles, novels and other books, columns – I love them all. I have…

Feeling like a Ninja

You know you’ve reached middle age when a small appliance gets you all excited. But I’m over the moon happy about our recent purchase and am eager to share it…

Invasion of the pizza snatchers

“Amy, these aren’t your normal groceries,” announced Sarah, my favorite Kroger Pick Up lady. She was chatting with me as she loaded my order into my Mini Cooper last Wednesday…

Adult siblings = best friends?

My youngest son Jacob turned 21 last week. To mark this momentous occasion, my husband John and my other son, Jonathon, went up to Ball State last Friday to join…

In case of emergency

I was filling out an updated volunteer form for the best therapeutic horseback riding center in the country, Agape Therapeutic Riding Resources in Cicero. (I’m not kidding, folks, they are…

Leftovers: it’s what’s for dinner

If you visit our house, you’ll probably notice the chalkboard on our fridge showing what’s for dinner for each day of the week. Now that we’re empty nesters, you’ll always…

Checking the box

I have an addiction. One that most of my family members and friends don’t know about. I love boxes. It started out small. I held on to them for normal…