Examining our work wardrobe
Okee-dokee, you are on your way to creating a joyful workspace with wonderful sights, sounds, temperatures, and perhaps aromas. Your voicemail and email make you – and others – happy….
Read MoreOkee-dokee, you are on your way to creating a joyful workspace with wonderful sights, sounds, temperatures, and perhaps aromas. Your voicemail and email make you – and others – happy….
Read MoreMany of us work with a computer, laptop, tablet, or other mobile device. No matter what you use, you want to apply some of the same principles that we talked…
If you have an office, cubicle, desk, corner, or some little world inside your company that is your very own, you can make that space as uplifting as possible. If…
I love how email has evolved in recent years. It’s great that you can add your picture or one that represents who you are or what your company does. And…
“You never get a second chance to make a good first impression.” – Will Rogers Now it’s time for us to get down to some serious joyful business. And the…
As I thought about last week’s column on taking steps to be a more joyful person a couple of days ago, something hit me like a ton of bricks. My…
“Working happier accomplishes much more than working harder.” – Sarah Ban Breathnach, author of “Simple Abundance” No matter what kind of personality you have, you can become a more joyful…
Before we officially start the Bringing Joy to Your Workplace Series next week, I wanted to address some final, potential real-life “what the heck?” questions readers may have. Q: I…
Before we kick off the “Bringing Joy to Your Workplace” Series, I thought it would be good to address some potential real-life “what the heck?” questions readers may have. Q:…
As we move into this new year, I want to encourage you to think about something when it comes to your job. Most people believe that happiness is something we…