Articles by Amy Shankland

Tidbits of hope

With all the bad things happening in the world, both near and far, I thought it was time to write a column to share tidbits of hope. Here goes! Feeling…

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“Extra” family members

Last weekend, I received a text from one of my son Jacob’s closest friends, Colton. Since I am a grant consultant during the day, he was curious if I knew…

Sometimes you gotta write it out!

After my “let’s embrace winter column” last week, I realized that we all can’t be perky and happy about winter 100 percent of the time – including myself. Throw in…

It’s time to embrace winter

I’m in complete disbelief and shock that I just typed that headline. Some readers may recall that I am a self-professed “summer girl.” Or, lately due to menopause, a “spring…

A perfect ‘Fit’

Last Friday I had to say goodbye to my (formerly) beloved Mini Cooper – or as I fondly called it, MC. I say formerly because this was my 2017 “post…

Keep those resolutions simple

At this time of year, I can’t help but start thinking about what my New Year’s resolution will be. I know not everyone makes them, and certainly not everyone achieves…

Getting inked at Middle Age

It seems like we see them everywhere these days, especially in warmer weather … tattoos. It almost feels at times like it’s more normal to see them on people than…

Multipurpose rooms

I have to chuckle quietly to myself when I tour some people’s houses. When they show me their craft room, office, exercise room, and/or guest room, I think of our…