And so, the healing begins . . .

From the Heart

“Never daunted, we cannot falter, in the battle, we’re tried and true.”

Noblesville High School students and graduates know those words as part of the school song.

After the events on Friday, May 25 at Noblesville West Middle School and Noblesville High School, they know what those words mean.

The big question last week was, “Where do we go from here?”

And so, the healing began.

We never thought a school shooting would happen in our community … but it did.

The schools had a plan and it was carried out well.

What happened then was amazing.

Our community responded over and over in unexpected ways.

Restaurants showed up with food, even days after the shooting. Individuals anonymously paid for whatever the restaurants did not cover.

Our people wanted to let the students, teachers, bus drivers, school administration, school resource officers and first responders know that they are valued.

Tri Kappa Sorority showed up on Tuesday morning at the bus barn with breakfast for the bus drivers.

Post-it notes with encouraging words were placed on every locker in the schools.

Mothers and dads and grandmothers and grandfathers showed up to chalk up the sidewalks outside the schools.

T & T Sales and Promotions could barely keep up with the orders coming in to raise funds for Ella Whisler and Mr. Seaman. Other t-shirt fundraisers were the same. Everyone wants to help with healing.

We are a community of helpers. I’ve always said that we are a close and caring community. This week proved exactly that.

Teachers spoke on social media this week about the compassion and kindness of the students. There was a different atmosphere in the hallways.

They say that if you want to see a change in the world then you need to be the change. Noblesville has begun the change.

The focus has not been on the shooting. It has been about the healing. It has been about kindness and the generosity of the heart.

As the school song is sung the words say, “Noblesville, we’re all for you.” And so both the healing and the change has begun.