Adams Township reader: Commissioners have their own agenda with Sheridan/Adams Twp. reorganization

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Dear Editor:

I am responding to an article in the Hamilton County Reporter on June 17, 2024, titled “The cost of a new Sheridan.”

I do not hold any office in either Adams Township or the Town of Sheridan. I am a citizen of Adams Township trying to understand the complexity of our government in the process of reorganization. It really just comes down to professional politicians serving the powerful against nonpolitical officials and volunteers serving their neighbors.

The Adams Township and Sheridan Reorg. has been in its planning stages for some time now. I know that the estimates and numbers to increase tax for servicing roads, in case it comes to that, were provided by the county. If they bulked on giving legitimate numbers to the Reorg. Committee, then they are being negligent in their service to the taxpayers of Adams Township.

The Fire Department already is budgeted to service Adams Township and Marion Township in Boone County. I am sure some police coverage will need to be expanded.

As for the Commissioners, I feel they have been disingenuous and flat out evasive on the whole subject and are now turning to affect public opinion through the media instead of seriously scheduling a face-to-face conversation with the Township and Town.

I know of four email attempts to schedule a face-to-face dialog with county officials that went unanswered for many weeks.

The fact is that when the plan is approved Tuesday, June 18 and then voted into action by the citizens of Adams Township in November, the Commissioners will no longer have control of the Township come Jan. 1, 2025. This fact coupled with the fact that they cannot control Jackson Township or Washington Townships leaves them no access to the revenue along the U.S. 31 corridor through its length in Hamilton County.

Heirbrandt is our elected representative on the Commissioners board and has not been an active participant in the Reorg. Committee’s work.

The Commissioners 11th-hour criticism is feeble and disrespectful to the voters of Adams Township. They obviously have their own agenda for THEIR obtainable revenue along 31 and no appreciation for the patriots of Adams Township or the Town of Sheridan.

Greg Bray
Adams Township

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