Hamilton County launches one-stop resource for support services

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Streamlined information increases connection & access for residents

Hamilton County is known for being a thriving area where people want to live. One of the secrets to its success: a strong network of nonprofit organizations who believe that by working together, they can help their community and those who live in it.

The power of that network collaboration has led to the launch of a new website – Help4HamiltonCounty.org – to provide residents with a one-stop resource for support services.


“Residents are more likely to seek support and be successful in overcoming challenges when resources are easy to find, understand, and access,” said County Commissioner Mark Heirbrandt, one of several elected officials involved in the project. “At Help4HamiltonCounty.org, residents can access the large network of local organizations designed to provide support and ultimately increase quality of life in Hamilton County.”

Made possible by the support of the Hamilton County Community Foundation, Duke Energy, the Hamilton County Trustees Association, and Good Samaritan Network, the new web resource offers connection to services in six key areas of need:

  • Aging and Seniors
  • Food Assistance
  • Medical and Mental Health
  • Youth and Families
  • Housing
  • Education and Employment

The site connects users to detailed information on local organizations, as well as videos designed to provide expert insight and raise awareness, featuring interviews with nonprofit executives and clients who have received services, as well as elected officials and other community leaders.

Help4HamiltonCounty.org has included Accessibility Adjustments on the new website to remove barriers and make finding resources accessible for as many community residents as possible.  To learn more, please reach out through the ‘Contact Us’ page on Help4HamiltonCounty.org.