Carmel mayoral candidate Sue Finkam releases her “Fiscal Excellence Plan”



On Tuesday, Sue Finkam, Republican candidate for Carmel mayor, released a Fiscal Excellence Plan. The plan calls for a comprehensive independent audit, a greater commitment to transparency and fiscal responsibility, an open checkbook, a balanced budget and gives residents a seat at the table in Carmel’s financial future.

“What got our great city to where it is today won’t get us there tomorrow,” Finkam said. “With threats to our revenues and higher interest rates, we need a leader who will not put our public safety or our quality of life at risk with overspending, debt, red tape, high taxes and fees. As Mayor, I will use my business and finance experience to continue to provide world-class services to our residents, enhance our operations and improve transparency. We must prioritize our needs so that we can address our wants, all while keeping taxes low and giving the best value to our taxpayers.”

Click here to check out Finkam’s Fiscal Excellence Plan at