Westfield students learn “funny money” philanthropy

Photo provided by Westfield Washington Schools

No, not that kind of “funny money.”

Four classes at Carey Ridge Elementary School in Westfield were given a grant from the PTO to do a project called “Funny Money Philanthropy.” Students earned funny money for displaying the school’s positive lifelines such as honesty, hard work, self-control.

During typical weeks, the classes have a Friday store in which students use their funny money to buy themselves a prize or privilege like a prize box item, PE helper, lunch with the principal, etc.

This time, instead of using their money on themselves, they will spend on items for Open Doors of Westfield. The grant purchased $300 of items for each of the classrooms to have the kids purchase. Also included was a field trip after school to take their bagged items to Open Doors.

Photo provided by Westfield Washington Schools

1 Comment on "Westfield students learn “funny money” philanthropy"

  1. Alan Crouch | March 31, 2023 at 11:52 pm |

    My Elementary School in the 1960’s had a summer school program to earn “School Dollars” for good behavior, good marks, etc. Then they held a Carnival Day to buy items, play games and win items, also buy baked goods at the Cafeteria. Learning Economics and use of money as well as earning that money. “Funny Money” sounds like a great idea!

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