Belfry Theatre will take you Around the World in 80 Days

(From left) See Barb Weaver, Bryan Ball, Eric Dixon Gonzalez, and Sarah Eberhardt perform in The Belfry’s production of Around the World in 80 Days. (Photos by Rob Slaven /


Just as Phileas Fogg takes his show on the road, traveling around the world in just under 12 weeks, The Belfry Theatre is taking its next production to a new location, Art for Lawrence’s Theatre at the Fort.

Fearless adventurer Phileas Fogg and his faithful manservant Passepartout race to beat the clock after Phileas has agreed to an outrageous wager which puts his fortune and his life at risk. Fogg sets out to circle the globe in an unheard-of 80 days, bumping into colorful local natives, fellow travelers, and a love interest. But along the way, his every step is dogged by a detective who thinks he’s a robber on the run.

The cast consists of Brad Staggs (Phileas Fogg), Barb Weaver (Aouda), and Bryan Ball (Passepartout), along with Austin Uebelhor, Sarah Eberhardt, and Eric Dixon Gonzales who play various roles. Danger, romance, and comic surprises abound in this whirlwind of a show as six actors portray 39 characters while traversing seven continents in Mark Brown’s adaptation of one of the great adventures of all time. The show is directed by Eric Matters.

Around the World in 80 Days runs two weekends, Feb. 10 to 19, with two shows on Saturdays. All evening shows (Friday and Saturday) are held at 7:30 p.m. All matinees (Saturday and Sunday) start at 2 p.m. Arts for Lawrence’s Theatre at the Fort is located at 8920 Otis Ave., Lawrence, easily accessible off Interstate 465.

As the third show in its 58th season, the Hamilton County Theatre Guild, which operates The Belfry, has partnered with Arts for Lawrence for the next three productions. Around the World in 80 Days is followed by The Great Gatsby (March 17 to 26) and Crimes of the Heart, (April 29 to May 7).

Tickets are on sale now and can be purchased at this link.