Noblesville reader encourages “solidly conservative” folks to run for local office

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Dear Editor:

I am writing today to reach out to qualified, solidly conservative citizens with an interest in serving our great community and preserving our way of life.

Feb. 3 is the deadline to file to run for the May 2 municipal primary elections for all municipal public offices.

Unfortunately, in my view, many times people are hesitant to step forward for various reasons, even though they have all the essential skills and knowledge necessary to make a fabulous public servant. I think you may be pleasantly surprised how much local support you could achieve!

If you care about our community and want to make a difference, I encourage you to register as a candidate for office in 2023.

Jake Clark

1 Comment on "Noblesville reader encourages “solidly conservative” folks to run for local office"

  1. I would rather see solid middle of the road people run.

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