Patton: term limits are what’s right for the people

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Dear Editor:

By the People and For the People. This week, Westfield passed what more than 70 percent of the country expects from their leaders. If we only had people in Washington who were more interested in serving the people instead of their own fame and fortune.

The issue of term limits, although opposed by those who are appointed by those without term limits, or opposed by those who work with or want to be a career politician are legal.

A very smart Indiana municipal attorney stated that, “Code 36-1-3-8(a)(12) does prevent a municipality from ordering or conducting an election, there does not appear to be any explicit restriction on term limits. The Indiana Election Division has advised against it (note who appoints and recommends them), but interprets as a ‘should not,’ but likely still can limit elections by setting term limits.”

The mayor issued his veto this week after initially proclaiming term limits should not be at the “whim” of a city council, until this was seen by many as out of touch. Now he is claiming legally it will not pass the muster and that his reign of mayor may have not been as successful claiming Grand Junction may have not been completed. Any good vision by a leader will be carried on; it does not take a “kingdom” or the “elite” to make that happen.  There are developers and citizens who may just have a vision and opportunity to create something that resembles what the public wants.

The mayor discussed legal challenges as his reason this week for vetoing the ordinance. He is not new to lawsuits and creating legal challenges. I would not doubt we may now see a legal challenge, but just like in The Wizard of Oz, pay no attention to the little man behind the curtain.

At some point, it takes leadership to stand for what is right for all the people, not just yourself.

Troy Patton, CPA
Westfield City Councilor at Large

1 Comment on "Patton: term limits are what’s right for the people"

  1. I commend the Westfield Council for passing then overriding the Mayors veto on term limits, this is much needed at the State and Federal level also ! Career Politicians excel at one thing, spending our money like crazy!

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