Briggs: epidemic of violence stems from failed leadership

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Dear Editor:

Westfield Mayor Cook offered a statement and important question from his position as mayor after an incident from a Westfield resident who threatened two Westfield workers; one who was knocked down with a gun pointed at him that misfired twice – an act of God. Cook asked, “Are we ignoring mental health issues, or are the consequences of criminal actions no longer a sufficient deterrent?”

We do not know what was going on in the life of the perpetrator whose actions were shocking, and we may never know, but Mayor Cook asked for answers and quickly. I hope we get an answer. The police and media do not give American citizens enough information as to WHY some people resort to violence. If we had that information, there would be preemptive solutions in stopping a lot of crimes from happening.

After the COVID lockdowns and mandated isolation of citizens from families, friends, workers and classmates, mandated mask wearing and six-foot spacing, some people just exploded when we opened up society. One example is reckless driving, high speeds, and the running of stoplights. And another model is non-punishment of law breakers, thus no consequences of criminal actions.

The most evident examples of non-punishment of law breakers are the destruction of our cities in 2020 by Antifa and Black Lives Matter organizations. In Indianapolis, Prosecutor Mears supposedly arrested a few peaceful protesters, but we never were told who these destroyers are and if they paid any punitive price. He did arrest the older female driver who was attacked by the protesters who were damaging her car and she had to protect herself trying to get away and some protesters were hit by her as she sped away.

The most important ongoing situation of provocateurs who continued assaulting, lying, colluding, and disrupting the moral integrity of our country because President Trump won the 2016 election is the Pelosi gang and other Congressional and agent evildoers on Capitol Hill in Washington, D.C. A lot of them have been exposed, but none of them have been punished. They do what they want and get away with it.

Americans are an angry bunch who have been deceived by the lies of the COVID controls and the forcing of the vaccines (Fauci) and the D.C. elites who constantly make up lies about the American people – the true patriots who love our country and respect our flag.

Do you believe any of my examples may be why Americans are resorting to violence? If the powers that be are getting away with it, why cannot the average citizen also get away with breaking the law with no consequences?

Mari Briggs

1 Comment on "Briggs: epidemic of violence stems from failed leadership"

  1. We’ll Mari, since you asked …
    The ‘average citizen’ DID get away without any signifiant consequences, the episode cited at the beginning of the above letter is pretty much the poster child for such a circumstance.

    The miscreant in question experienced little in the way of consequences for a very recent prior offense , he was just off a 1 yr probation earlier in August for a crime where he received a 1yr jail sentence which was suspended & paid 1000.00 in restitution to the victim of his criminal actions.
    The opportunity presented itself to make an impression regarding rule of law & subsequent consequences .. it was squandered, & his next victim is still alive but for the grace of God. ( & likely a lack of resources to purchase a reliable firearm )

    The balance is little more than a regurgitation of Tucker Carlson, Alex Jones, Steve Bannon talking points that further ratings & assist in the monetization of shared outrage among the ‘believers’.
    Two of those individuals BTW, are currently engaged with the justice system in their own unique & adorable ways.

    The uptick in violence could be argued thusly ; Americans are inherently intolerant & self-important & are easily enraged when they feel insulted on any level. Add to that the unabated gun culture & you have a recipe for bad behavior that very often ends tragically.
    Has nothing to do with those who temporarily hold the levers of power, has everything to do with one’s self-image & a distorted perception of the world as being full of those less worthy.


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