Summer heat, fireworks are not friendly to pets

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Dear Editor:

While we encourage people to walk their dogs often (for the dogs’ health as well as the owner!) there are some serious repercussions to dogs’ paws in the summer heat.

Did you know, according to the American Medical Association, that when the outside temperature is 86 degrees, the asphalt temperature is 135 degrees? One suggestion is to place your own hand on the pavement for at least 10 seconds. How does that feel?

Pavement, asphalt and artificial grass can become searingly hot and cause blisters and burns to pets’ paws. Please reconsider taking your dogs to outdoor events where their paws could become burned and, frankly, the weather is usually just too hot for their comfort. (Remember that dogs do not perspire as we do.)

As we approach the July Fourth holiday, another reminder is that many dogs are terrified of loud noises and become very stressed. Please do not take your dogs to Fourth activities! Additionally, a hot car is never acceptable for any living being, human or animal.

Let’s enjoy summer and let our wonderful pets do the same.

Bruce & Sharon McMahon
