Easy fix will save lives from colon cancer

Dear Editor:

I recently met with Sen. Joe Donnelly in Washington, D.C., and had a great conversation about legislation aimed at helping cancer patients get the treatment and care they need. One bill we discussed is the Removing Barriers to Colorectal Cancer Screening Act.

Currently, Medicare fully pays for routine colonoscopies. But if a polyp is found and removed during the procedure, the patient must pay a share of the cost. This loophole, which applies only to seniors on Medicare, costs seniors on average over $300 in out-of-pocket costs.

Colonoscopies are proven to prevent this disease and save lives, but any added costs can discourage some people from getting screened. Skipping recommended screening could mean a patient receives a later-stage colorectal cancer diagnosis that can be more expensive to treat and harder to survive.

It’s time for Congress to pass this bill and make it easier for patients to get screened.

Sen. Donnelly agreed and recently signed on to co-sponsor this legislation. The bill will ensure seniors have the same access to colorectal cancer screening as others. More seniors getting screened will result in fewer cases of cancer, reduced cost of treating the disease and most importantly, fewer needless deaths from a disease that is easily detected and prevented.

Sen. Donnelly, thank you for caring about cancer patients and survivors!

Maudra Bradley

Volunteer, American Cancer Society Cancer Action Network (ACS CAN)


1 Comment on "Easy fix will save lives from colon cancer"

  1. Cancer, what is it?
    Well, first, cancer is a huge business for the pharmaceutical industry to make unimaginable profits. The so-called cancer research? It is not looking for a cure for cancer. All this research is a fake to deceive people. This deception works very well, because about 99.9% of people believe in this huge industry, which is interested only in profits and power. Chemotherapy, which incidentally has never killed a cancer, costs about $ 100,000.00. So it’s about profits in the billions. So if you believe that the pharmaceutical industry will do without these profits, you probably also believe in Santa Claus. From time to time reports are published that a new miracle drug is being tested, but this is only for reassurance. Something is forgotten later. It’s all just deception.
    You have cancer and want to survive? Then you should not go to a doctor from this system. This doctor will kill you, that’s for sure because this doctor will get a lot of money if he recommends chemo or radiotherapy.
    We, the independent, scientific research center of the Dayeng Foundation know the origin of cancer very well. For more than 30 years we have been exploring the human immune system. We have developed therapies that successfully treat cancer patients. Our successes are almost 100%. So you can continue to trust and die with a profit-based system in the pharmaceutical industry, or you can trust independent scientists from a non-profit foundation. You make the choice about your life.
    Further information here: http://lupus-trust.net
    Dr. Johann Menser
    Independent, scientific research and therapy center of the Dayeng Foundation

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