Reader: Selflessness, sacrifice are what’s needed in the fight against COVID-19

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Dear Editor:

My mother was one of the most educated people I ever knew. She never attended college, but she and my dad shared a commodity currently at a premium: common sense. Between the two of them, I didn’t win many debates, my bachelor’s degree notwithstanding.

Another subject I broached carefully with my Great Depression-era parents was sacrifice.

Mom and Dad are long gone, but I wonder what the remaining members of their generation think about a society that clamored for a Covid-19 cure while resisting the steps needed to fight the virus. How do we reconcile trumpeting the Constitution and partisan politics to avoid wearing a face mask while over 600,000 people die?

The Great Depression generation must wince at us being coaxed/cajoled/bribed with gift cards and scholarships to take the vaccine. Ohio offered a chance to win a one-million-dollar prize –over a vaccine that’s free. Vaccine lotteries abound in other states, too.

As a baby boomer, I can’t speak for our elders. But I humbly thank them for their WWII rationing and general selflessness without expecting something in return.

Jim Newton

Itasca, Ill.

1 Comment on "Reader: Selflessness, sacrifice are what’s needed in the fight against COVID-19"

  1. Dann Moesta | July 15, 2021 at 10:19 am |

    This Common Sense approach is reasonable, devoid of political sound bite, and from the Mid-West, something that Midwesterners respect more than talking points from the coasts. I thank you for bringing some pragmatism to the conversation.

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