Noblesville encourages Westfield to move forward with State Road 32

On Monday evening, at a regularly scheduled Westfield City Council meeting, three members from the Noblesville Common Council spoke in favor of a proposed widening of State Road 32 through downtown Westfield.

Attending the Westfield meeting from Noblesville were council members Darren Peterson, Megan Wiles and Greg O’Connor.




Peterson told Westfield council members, “As members of the Noblesville City Council, we understand the importance and duty of making fiscal decisions for the growth of our growing cities in Hamilton County. We are often faced with decisions that must balance existing restraints, growth, historical significance, financial responsibilities. With 19,000 vehicles driving this two-lane roadway each day, there is no question State Road 32 through Hamilton County is in dire need of compacity improvement.”

In 2018 Westfield, and the Indiana Department of Transportation (INDOT), announced a major State Road 32 reconstruction through downtown Westfield. The $15 million project is a 50/50 cost split between the city and the state.

After the initial announcement, Westfield Mayor Andy Cook said, “Partnering with the state on this work is a huge win for our city.”

The project has recently been met with resistance. Opponents cite concerns for Westfield’s historic district and project costs.

“Currently Noblesville is making significant investments to fix the same capacity problems in our downtown,” Peterson said.

Peterson also said INDOT has funded an additional $35 million project to add travel lanes from East Street in Westfield to River Road in Noblesville.

“Westfield canceling their downtown project would result in INDOT reevaluating their investment and possibly canceling future investment along 32 in Hamilton County,” Peterson said. “This would have detrimental effects beyond Westfield borders into Noblesville and throughout the county and state. Millions of dollars have been spent by the City of Westfield, the State of Indiana, and the City of Noblesville to design improvements along 32. The Noblesville City Council strongly requests the Westfield council trust their highly professional staff and consultants to move forward with their downtown project. This project is vital for our downtowns to grow and thrive.”

The Westfield City Council did not respond to Peterson’s comments.

1 Comment on "Noblesville encourages Westfield to move forward with State Road 32"

  1. Carol Becker | May 15, 2021 at 9:42 am |

    Needs to happen. Let’s move forward.

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