If you’re ready to return to normal, don’t hesitate to get vaccinated


Be Well

“Vaccine, vaccine, vaccine, vaccine … I’m begging of you please don’t hesitate.” – Dolly Parton, to the tune of “Jolene”

Well, you cannot get more “Americana” than Dolly Parton! And who cannot love Dolly! (I did not end that sentence with a question mark because there is only one answer!) Seriously, she really is not only an outstanding performer, but her honest rhetoric, self-deprecating humor and charitable giving have made her a beloved figure.

Although most of Dolly’s charitable giving goes unannounced and unknown, many people know by now that she gave $1 million to Vanderbilt University Medical Center’s efforts to combat COVID-19, which included Moderna’s vaccine trial and clinical research. Additionally, Dolly recently did a tongue-in-cheek commercial ad as she received her own vaccine and sang the lyrics noted above to her song “Jolene.” A great public service by a notable public servant.

This article will not go down the “political road” in discussion of why people may or may not receive the vaccination based upon their political ideologies; that is discussion for other people at other times. (Although it should be noted that EVERY former and the current President has been vaccinated, as well as their spouses.) However, as my husband and I are eager to have a life outside our home again, we opted to become vaccinated and have had no side effects or issues. I look forward to teaching my classes again in person, attending meetings and events, and having the ability to see smiling faces once again. (Your decision to be vaccinated should be discussed with your physician, particularly if you have co-morbidities.) Knowing that if for some reason we should still contract the virus that it will not incapacitate or hospitalize us is very reassuring.

Many people may not realize that research has been ongoing for years to develop vaccines against coronaviruses which have been evolving and will continue to evolve over the years. While it may appear, as we have all been laser-focused on the vaccine issue, that the research and development was initiated and completed in a short amount of time, that is not the case. This article will not present specific research data, but that detailed data is readily available for those who wish to do the research.

Speaking for myself, while getting a shot in the arm is not my favorite activity, it is definitely worth it to me to have some semblance of normal in the near future. I will continue to wear my mask when required and when the situation warrants, and I look forward to a more reasonable feeling of security similar to knowing that I will not get smallpox or polio as I have been vaccinated against both of those terrible diseases many years ago.

Be prudent, be informed, and be WELL!

Sharon McMahon, CNWC


The opinions expressed in this article are not intended to replace advice of your personal physician or licensed health professional. Please consult your physician for any issues you may have related to nutrition or fitness activity.