My crazy, busy, sophomore life – working to have it all!


Sheridan High School Student

Editor’s Note: The Sheridan Student Column is brought to readers by Sheridan High School’s 10th grade English class, taught by Abby Williams.

When I started high school, many people told me to have fun during my freshman and sophomore years because my junior year would be the hardest and demand much more of my time. Now, though, I think my sophomore year may be. I have definitely been much busier this year with academics, activities, and athletics!

“When I grow up,” I want to be a pharmacist at a hospital. So, I’m preparing for college. Most students don’t start until their junior years, but I had the opportunity to start AP courses my sophomore year, and I did.

Along with just two other sophomores at Sheridan, I’m taking both AP Environmental Science and AP World History this year. My AP teachers act like college professors: They teach from bell to bell and leave daily reading assignments, note taking, homework, and projects for us to complete on our own. My other classes – Accelerated English, Algebra II, Chemistry, Spanish III, and Band – take time outside of school, but thankfully not every night. Band takes extra time, of course, for practices and performances. Throughout the year, I play oboe, and during football and basketball seasons, I also play bass drum in pep band.

I like to spend time making my community better. At school I am a member of the following school groups: Sheridan High School Student Council; SADD (Students Against Destructive Decisions); and Sunshine Society, a student group that gives back to our school and teachers. I’m also in my 11th year of being a Girl Scout. Last year, my troop tore out and replaced dead and old landscaping around the Sheridan Community Center Building and Park. I’m also a student athlete at Sheridan and a dancer at Ballerinas Academy of Dance in Noblesville.

When I tell people about my typical day, they say what I do is crazy, but it energizes me. A typical week for me is five days of school, a six-hour day of dance on Saturdays, and a day of rest on Sundays. Monday through Friday I spend seven hours a day in school. After school, each day is different. In the fall, I am part of the Sheridan Varsity Soccer team. During the season, practice is two hours a day, and there are usually two games a week, which take three to four hours each.

When soccer doesn’t conflict with my dance schedule, I go to as many of my classes that I can. I’m grateful that the owner of my studio, Miss Becky, has allowed me to do this! In the winter, three days a week, I go to the weight room for an hour each day. Then, after the weight room, it’s time for me to get ready for dance classes. I dance after school four days of the week, for a total of 10 hours, not including driving time to get to the studio. With driving time it takes a total of 16 hours. Once I get home from dance, I have homework to complete, and it normally takes two to three hours every day. At the end of the day, I shower, go to bed, and then, get up the next day and do it all again.

In the spring, I want to be part of the Sheridan Varsity Golf Team, although it may be quite difficult. I have to devote my time to dance, because my studio has its year-end recital at the beginning of June. Unfortunately, golf practice and meets may conflict with my dance classes. If I can only practice sometimes with the team, I will, because I won’t stop dancing. Dance is my passion!

I barely have any free time, but I love what I do. I hope to accomplish many things, and I would rather be busy than bored. I think I even work well under stress. I am very grateful for what I am able to do with my time thanks to my family, friends, teachers, coaches, and instructors. I couldn’t do it all without them!

1 Comment on "My crazy, busy, sophomore life – working to have it all!"

  1. Trudy Weddington | January 25, 2021 at 10:20 pm |

    We’re very proud of you, Emily!
    Keep striving to learn and to improve, so that you can achieve your goals. We can hardly wait to see your 10-year dance solo in March. Never forget you are a child of God, and may He bless and guide you as you grow.
    Love, Mom & Dad

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