Shaffer: Carmel city government “zanier” than a Mel Brooks script

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Dear Editor:

How ironic that Carmel’s ruling elite admit their inability to enforce basic decency, noise and public health standards outside The GOAT tavern –

At the same time it seeks more liquor licenses by exploiting a loophole in the state liquor laws by creating four “riverfront districts” only one of which is on the river –

At the same time its solution to constant traffic jams at 136th and Keystone is to shoehorn 149 new homes into a plot of land immediately northeast of the congested intersection –

And, considers $125 million more in borrowing most of which will go to the redevelopment group that ran a hotel project 46 percent over estimates.

Meanwhile, the mayor lectures us on the virtue of staying away from church, using masks and changing the global climate.

Mel Brooks couldn’t script a zanier scenario.

Bill Shaffer
