Carmel reader questions efficacy of restrictions

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Dear Editor:

I have read several articles in your paper recently indicating that coronavirus is surging and government actors are recommending further restrictions.

I certainly do not doubt that the number of people testing positive is increasing but have to shake my head in wonder about the idea that central planners and controllers are going to recommend the right fixes, finally. Just one more step and we will be done.

Regarding the Orwellian term “social distancing,” which is really physical spacing, and masking, I would encourage people to look at correlations between infection rates and conformance to those measures and try to draw any logical conclusions about their effectiveness. For instance, here is a reference:

Or our neighbor Illinois:

I will plainly admit I am opposed to mask mandates and utilize the health exception where offered. Because of that, I am really on the lookout for others that do not wear them; nearly every place I go, where they are required, I am the only one not wearing one. I can only remember two to three people total out of dozens (hundred?) of trips to stores where I am the only person breathing freely, besides a few small children. Even at church, where they are not required, 90 to 95 percent wear them.

I am not suggesting anything by pointing out any of this, except to not listen to politicians and government bureaucrats. They are continually wrong, both Rs and Ds. Think for yourself and your family, with your God-given brain. If you own a business and think masks work, enforce that, but don’t cop-out and claim you are doing it because the government supposedly told you so.

Finally, I enjoy Larry Lannan from and am glad he has recovered. However, I do question this wisdom: “We don’t know when or if government will act, but either way, the best we can all do individually is to wear a mask in public, practice social distancing and wash our hands” – based simply on his own statement: “What confounds me is that I took every precaution expected – wearing a mask when in public, social distancing and washing hands regularly. I look back and cannot understand how I contracted this virus.”

I hope we all look back and cannot understand how we contracted out our thinking about the virus to government actors.


Eric Morris


2 Comments on "Carmel reader questions efficacy of restrictions"

  1. Is Bruce Kimball saying the electorate too stupid to take care of themselves are at least smart enough to vote for people like him who are willing to tell them how stupid they are? Seems like it to me.

  2. Our agreed upon foundation of this nation ; rule of law, not men is by it’s very nature ‘contracted out thinking’ codified in the constitution & manifested by a representative Democracy on local, state & national levels.

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